Declaration of Belief and Doctrine

Declaration of Belief

We are those who believe: that the creator of all things and the source from which all life flows is a Supreme Universal Intelligence / Supreme Universal Mind / Creative Intelligence of the Universe that resides in the deeper levels of the mind of Human Beings, yet known as “God” and by many other names by many religions.

We believe: that all Human Beings have the personal agency to establish and engage in their own religion which can be defined as:

  1. The service and worship of “God”.
  2. Commitment or devotion to a Religious Faith or observance.
  3. Scrupulous conformity to Religious consciousness.
  4. A cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith. 
  5. A Personal set or institutional system of [26 US Code 508 which has special] rules [with respect to section 501(c)(3) organizations] 508 (c)Exemptions (1) Mandatory Exemptions (A) Churches, their integrated auxiliaries, and conventions or associations of Churches: that’s the meaning of 508(c)(1)(A). Attitude, beliefs and practices.
  6. Actually, there are many more.

We are a non-denominational, interfaith, metaphysical Temple: with a mission to serve “God”; our families and communities. We welcome all believers of all faiths.

Our goal is to provide a spiritual atmosphere that creates opportunities, for one to serve, develop, and grow in “God’s” abundance as it was intended.

We invite diversity and welcome believers of races, social backgrounds, sexual orientations, religions, and who are adults in their jurisdictions.

We believe that: In the beginning, there was “God” and nothing but “God”, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. All “God” all the time.

Then “God” began to create all things out of themselves. And, Everything is of “God”, everything is in “God” and everything by “God”. In “God” we have life, and in “God” we have our being and without “God” there is no you, and there is no me.

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from “God”? …1 Corinthians 6:19 (NIV)

For we are the temples of the living “God”. As “God” has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their “God”, and they will be my people.” 2 Corinthians 6:16 (NIV)

The abovementioned scriptures express the rudiments of our beliefs; that is, the omnipresence of “God”, is in Human Beings. Each of our bodies is a living Temple of “God”, who is Spirit and must be worshiped in Spirit and Truth.

We believe: that all Human Beings are the Temples of the Living “God”.

We believe: Regardless of our respective religions, our spiritual traditions, rituals and activities such as prayers and meditations all are designed to bring us into the light of truth. This is true in each of the “Abrahamic Religions” (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), the “Eastern Religions” (Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism), as well as Africian Spirituality and others.

We believe: It doesn’t matter whether we congregate in Churches, Temples, Mosques, Synagogues, Shrines, Altars, Sanctuaries, or Grand Halls we all are seeking the Light of Truth.

We believe: “God” is in all forms of life, known and unknown on earth and in the universe.

We believe: “God” is expressed in us, through us and by us in thoughts, words and deeds.

We believe: No human being can ever be alone, lost, condemned or judged. Each of us is a child of “God”.

We believe: True salvation is the advent of remembering that our divine heritage is unconditional and is available to all of the human race.

We believe: Embracing, internalizing, and applying these truths in all of our daily living is the guide to the enlightened path into states of consciousness, known by many names: the “God” Mind, Universal or Christ-consciousness, Nirvana Samadhi, and so many others.

The ascension to this realm of consciousness is what we seek for all Humans Beings for therein lies our talents, our unrealized potentiality, and our transcendent nature.

We believe: that all Human Beings have the power to create on earth, as it is in heaven the life and environment we want for ourselves.

Statement of Doctrine

At House Blue Flames, our doors are open to every soul seeking to discover how to use the power the ancients have utilized down through the ages for prosperity.

This power is the same metaphysical ability to which the so‐called “ Supernatural” was attributed. With this power, everyone can create a way of living that can result in more love, income, success, fulfillment, creativity, and awareness.

We believe that there is a Supreme Universal Intelligence / Supreme Universal Mind / Creative Intelligence of the Universe that resides in the deeper levels of the human mind, yet known as “God” and by many other names by many religions.

We foster a community where we teach individuals to show their love for “God” and for one another through service to each other and the community.

Members of our Temple are those who build relationships with our family through community groups, volunteer activities, religious teaching and services.

We welcome all souls seeking the love of “God”, Family, and Tribe. We teach the doctrines of Love and Service to others.

We invite you to open up your hearts and allow the grace of “God” to penetrate into your soul and being.